A new sheltered living complex has been planned for a brownfield site in a residential part of Mansfield in Nottinghamshire.
Hockley Developments are committed to building 12 new supported living properties in the area with an application submitted to the local council.
The development is earmarked for a site on Princes Street which is around a 15 minute walk from the towns centre, should planning be approved the site would include 12 individual one-bedroom dwelling houses as part of an apartment block, as well as a staff office, parking, cycle storage and landscaping.
A spokesperson for the proposal stated “These dwellings are well designed to create a contemporary and vibrant place to enjoy. This development will also assist Nottinghamshire County Council in meeting their supported living provision targets as the demand in the area continues to increase.
“The Supporting Living Commissioning Team at the Nottinghamshire County Council has approved this site as a suitable location for supported living dwellings and is in support of the application.”